
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4

I would like you all to collect knowledges where the body is central for this week of self-directed research. That means, all things you have learnt not necessary through books or the classic way of learning, but through lived experience where your senses are central. For instance, my partners mother has experienced migraines all through out her life. In one way, she has been disabled by this condition, however in another way, she can predict when there will be storm or a shift in the atmosphere because that is in fact the trigger for her migraines.
Amy's mail:
Talk with mom:

Je verbind en brengt het positieve bij mensen naar voren. Je kan het goed vinden met de mensen om je heen. Je beland niet met geluk in leuke groepjes, je bouwt balans tussen mensen waardoor het goed gaat.
Van jongs af aan willen mensen automatisch het beste van zichzelf aan je laten zien/geven.

You connect people but you also bring out the best of them. You can get allong well with the people around you. You always ended up in nice groups, not with luck but you build balance between people.
From an early age people automaticly want to show the best of themselves to you.
Where did i get to know myself well in my life:

Efteling: Fight or flight
Becomming a big sister at an older age: taking care senses
Growing up without a father: you can choose your family
Three weeks in amerika: what to do with myself, how to entertain myself when im bored.
Something is up with your body -> instinct
a faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus; one of the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.

a feeling that something is the case.
an innate, typically fixed pattern of behaviour in animals in response to certain stimuli.
Fight or flight

adrenaline kick

mind is in shock but your body is fighting back and coping with the situation
Becoming a big sister at an older age:
mothering instinct

taking care of others
Growing up without a father:
Three weeks in amerika:
You can choose your family
What to do with myself, how do i entertain myself when im bored.

When your body has nothing to do, how do you prevent your mind to be bored.